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Age: 17 School: Temasek Poly Birthday: 19th Dec Happily Attached to Candy Chen =D I think i wanna do a STABLE Liberty =P. Archives November 2007 December 2007 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 Links | Lingyi-Lys | Cassandra-Lys | Celestine-Lys | Kenneth-Lys | Jiaen-Lys | Lijie-Lys | Joanne-Lys | Shihui-Lys | Renyi-Lys | Shuyi-Lys | Xinyan-Lys | Lynette-Lys | Rachel.L-Lys | Rachel.T-Lys | Dora-Lys | Isaac-Lys | Feli-Lys | Shamaine | Cheryln-Lys | JiaEn-Lys | BLAZERS | Fiona-Blaz | Charyl-Blaz | Terence-Blaz | Mark-Blaz | Haziq-Blaz | Ken-Blaz | Justin-Blaz | Michelle-Blaz | Simin-Blaz | Cheryl-Blaz | Stephanie-Blaz | Bryan-Blaz | Joey-Blaz | Huixian-Blaz | Nicolette-Blaz | Weiqi | Michelle | Xinyi | Jasmine-TP Tagboard |
Wednesday, October 31, 2007 Argh Dammit! MT paper Sucks man! I meant I sucked! Fucked it! Well this was wad freaking happened. I was taking paper 1 which consist of letter writing and Compo. I did the letter writing and found out the format was wrong, so i flip over to the nxt page and redo it without cancelling the wrong one. So i was doing happily and full of confidence that this time i would get a distinction for MT. And thn it was lyk 1 more min before time's up and i rushed to finish my last sentence. Upon finishing my last word, the teacher said" time's up! " in a lazy tone and started collecting my row first! i suddenly rmb-ed that i haven cancel tt freaking error-ed page and quickly flipped till tt page and due to my careless-ness, i cancelled the page which have the correct format on it! OH FUCK IT! T.T you ppl may think, "aiya teacher haven come yet slowly cancel la! kan chiong for wad!" But the prob is i was the second person in tt row -.- There goes my A ='( haisx! pretty sad ! Even though paper 2 was relatively easy i dare sae, but it is nt possible to get A alrdy =( Wad's the use of passing and getting the same B3 again? Yeah my first attempt for MT got a B3 -.- lousy la! And this time due to my careless-ness My A Flew away! Oh Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck! Labels: whats with tt careless-ness... Friday, October 26, 2007 I am Bored today -.- Slept 16 hrs on and off. Freaking Tired physically but mentally energetic. Help mi -.- Labels: weather su*ks Thursday, October 25, 2007 Hmm today's tt damn bloody P.geog paper 2 -.- woke up ard 8.30am, got dressed and went to Funan IT mall first to take some things frm my mum before heading to sch. The damn train was so pack can? alwalys liddat one, so i stood ALLL the way to City hall, Took the things frm my mum and thn STOOD ALLL the way to Pasir Ris -.- Bitch. HAHAS So i entered the sch at ard 12 i think? cnt rly rmb. Saw my frens and i sat down with thm and chitty chat chat b4 my paper. If it wasn't for chau ming, i wouldnt have came for the paper! hahas xD So yea the paper, it was kinda easy if i had studied cus I dun have enuf facts and knowledge for tt Subject -.- Well i also dun freaking care! hahas! Geog is interesting TRUE but thn it needs alot of memorising -.- I am lazy. So thn after the paper i met up with kok and went jamming AGAIN. LOLS! And after tt went home to have a GOOD rest! well nt rly rest hahas! watched Wrestling till ard 3 and did some maths question b4 going to my warm, soft comfortable BED! NITES PEEPS! Labels: 29th Oct Maths Monday, October 22, 2007 Omg man! I finally solved tt rubik's cube! Gosh i am a genius! hahas! I tried it a few times i am able to solve it! so happy la! xD hahas! Labels: Cubiee~ Today stayed home the whole day! AHHHHH is boring can?! Haisx . Tsk Since i got nth to do, i decided to chnge the blog skin xD hahas and put in Fort Minor's song xD and put in their band as the background too! Well i did it with Jia en's help =) thnx arr >< Thn after doing i went to youtube and saw this 3 year old child solving a rubik's cube for god's sake! 3 years old dammit! So me too grab my rubik's cube and tried to solve. For 5 hours, i can onli solve the top 2 layers and onli left the btm one. Till now i still cnt solve it T.T A 3 year old child can do it and i cant T.T Gosh! NVM! I shall continue tml! the day aft tmrw! till i cn figure out this damn shyte! hahas! Oh well! See ya guys >< Enjoy the music =) Labels: It's Driven me MAD Saturday, October 20, 2007 Today went out to study in the morning, lols well cus isaac said staying at home is too dam boring! @.@ so he suggested to study at 201 mac. Well nth much though, i jus did ard 20 maths question or so thn started playing kok ming's psp hahas! Quite pathetic actually~ well is better thn staying at home rite? =) Thn idris came and join us, nt study but jam hahas and kok ming's fren came along too. lols we felt uneasy la~ strangers sitting dere watching hahas! They are nt really watching la, jus sit dere and chat among themselves but thn still, its kinda pai seh u see. hahas. And we were trying out a new song called Ambrosia. The drums is diff la thn cnt really play. Thn we played other songs and thn the worst happened! kok sang 1 word off key xD hahas dun blame him ppl, his puberty is acting up xD lols JY arr kokming xD Yea thn went tampines mall and window shop for belts and thn we went home. lols nt an interesting day rite? hahas kinda boring ~.~ Oh well i am off to play o2jam =) Labels: Gargoyle HX4~ Friday, October 19, 2007 Today's Graduation day~ Went to sch and had my Graduation~ Kinda lame actually but well, you noe, jus go for the sake of going =X lols! Well nth much actually, jus some vid of Graduating pupils saying farewell to their teachers, of cus i was 1 of them too xD And thn jus going up on stage to get ur report book, shake hands with your form teacher and take a plaque, " a gift to the graduating pupils so that thy would rmb Loyang Sec " bull shit i think, oh well~ And thn thy show us vids of our principle 7 yrs ago till now, " Retirement Celebration" That's wad thy proclaimed hahas! Kinda funny la! The principle lols! Her "7 yrs ago" hair was lyk OMGROFLMAO la! HAHAS! too diff to describe alrdy xD SRY! LOLS u gotta check it out urself to really have a good luagh! hahas! Anyway aft that went Jamming, yea but kinda boring though keep playing the same songs and i sort of lost intrest in playing metals songs, hahas duno why also. Prefer Punk rock xD it's much fun la~ hahas xD Well aft jamming went to Isaac's hse. It was freaking fun can?! HAHAS we cooked and fry and cracked and finally cook some shyte out! hahas There the 3 " future Chefs " working hard while i was slacking away xD The out come xD Looks messy but it taste great xD Well wad can you expect when i was the one guiding them along! hahas xD LOLS Anyway aft eating we slack awhile and went home. yea hahas Not a bad graduation day xD hahas i WILL rmb this day =) hahas Till thn see ya =) Labels: I feel uneasy.. Thursday, October 18, 2007 Woot! today's the day! the day we've all been waiting for, the day when we can finally put our knowledge on science practical to good use! YES! You've guessed it! It's Science practical O lvls examintaions! hahas! Guess wad? Physics came out Refraction~ -.- simple xD Biology came out all theory stuffs -.- nth practical abt it, even though is science practical xD I was kinda happy can? hahas Well last night i was studying for practical exam, yea hell right i was studying! And feli sms mi and asked me wad is pericap? thn i called her and told her, so thn we started toking, blah blah~ and she asked me, " ey weihoe, wad u think will come out for O lvls bio practical ar?" i said," well maybe flower bahhs?" hahas i said i think is flower cus.... cus... duno lehs jus got tt feeling lorhs~ And sooooo.... thn nxt day ( which is today ) we went to AVA room for attendance thn she asked me again, wad will come out, i still said flower, and Jeannie who is jus seating beside feli said, " If come out flower i immediately sleep ar! " lols it sadly but luckily, it was test on flowers xD hahas lucky i studied last night xD HAHAS! And thnx to ridhuan for some last min revision with me =) lols so happy can? But thn sad to sae, i got overly excited and did nt read instructions for Physics paper, It clearly stated, " Do each experiment on a new sheet of A4 paper " and i TOTALLY MISSED THAT OUT LA!! i did all of it on 1 paper la -.- damn~ And 1 more mistake, we were told to draw and label the female part of a flower, which is the stigma, style, ovules and ovums. Then due to my "OVERLY EXCITED - NESS" i forgotten that is was style and wrote stamen -.- damn it bitch -.- lols! waste my mark~ oh well i guess 2 mistake wonte affect much rite? Or would it? hahas! Good Luck peeps! for ur up coming exams =) I said good luck to you, and you've forgotten mine... Oh well... =| maybe u dint know? i duno... Labels: It started off well... Monday, October 15, 2007 Today's WEI QI'S BIRTHDAY! =) HAPPY BDAE TO YOU GIRL! Sry for nt buying you your present=X well donte think u would wanna meet me rite? so cnt pass you ur present =X hahas with all your tight schedules. lols if u open ur mouth, i would buy for u sommmmething i guess xD hahas hope ur N lvls result is up to ur expectations xD Have fun and stay happy xD Well anyway today is kinda boring -.- Woke up ard 9+ am due to a dream tt woke me up. It broke me into cold sweat. ( the air con is on LOLS ) Well the dream goes lyk this. "I was walking towards the door, my sweaty palms grasped the door knob, slowly and steadily, the door open with a loud creak. Warm air rush towards my face and over my body as i walked out and away frm the cold tiles beneath my feet. I walked down the dark hall way towards the kitchen, groping the surrounding to guide me there. I grabbed my cup and began pouring water into it. Sound of the rushing water broke the silent night, and as soon as it started, it had ended. My lips felt the tip of the cup, water flow throw my mouth and into my throat, and soon, the thirst was gone. As i put down the cup, i saw some movement from the corner of my eyes. I squinted out of the window towards a building directly across mine. And there i saw it! Through the window of the opposite block, a man, with a turban and a long bushy beard, slaughtering another with a long blade. As long as u could ever imagined! Blood Stained the blade as it ran across the poor mans body, Blood gush out as if the dams of the rivers are opened. Blood is spilled everywhere! It was the end of the poor mans live! But wait! there's more! The killer reached out his wrinkled hand and opened the window grill. For a moment or so, i thought he was abt to commit suicide for being guilty of taking another's live, but i was wrong. Instead, he dragged the half dead body over the edge, and with a last merciless look on the guy, he pushed him over. The helpless guy fell 11 story right into a solid concrete pathway, where his brain splattered all over, much lyk a watermelon being crushed. And there he laid motionless, body and arms in and odd angle that one could nvr imagine! Thoughts started pouring into my brain, thinking of what to do. Suddenly, i remembered the killer, and as i looked slowly frm the lifeless dead body back up to the window, there he was, staring right into my eyes with a look that i instantly knew i was gonna die! I can see those murderous pair of eyes looking directly into my head, as if he is reading my mind, looking for the slightest movement b4 finding a reason to kill me. My blood chilled and my spine tingled, fear was all over me! My arms and Legs won't move, and i jus stand dere helplessly, looking back at him. Wondering wad's gonna happen next. As i was lost in my thoughts, i saw him moved, and the thing i nvr hoped for happened. His hand moved into his sarong and as i expected, he pulled out an old rusty rifle and pointed directly at me! His fingers tightening on the trigger, and i was jus moments away frm dying. Jus as i thought all hopes were gone....." and thankfully, that's when i woke up =X HAHAS! Phew lucky me i guess xD but i was scary though, happening so near to me. scary but interesting xD but tt doesnt mean i wan more of it =X Scare the living crap put of me hahas! Well anyway time for me to go =X Still got some work thats is needed to be done =) See ya guys around~ or maybe in my dreams.... Labels: Friends come and go..... there was nvr a friend that really cared. And as time passes, jus memories taht are put to the back of their brain..... Or maybe i am wrong?, you'll be long forgotten Sunday, October 14, 2007 Hey sry for nt updating this few days, hahas sort of feel lyk blogging is also boring -.- or maybe is jus becus i am spending meaningless days doing nth except studying here and dere, nth much actually. When O lvls is getting nearer, everyone is busy, Doing the whole lot of revision and stuffs liddat. Well to the extent that thy dun even have the time to go out~ -.-"" lols. Whatever~ Guess thy are too busy thn? Thursday is Science Practical alrdy =) Good luck guys xD Aft O lvls it'll be paradise xD doing wadever u wan hahas! well but for now jus leave tt thought a side and concentrate on studies -.- Lately there is alot of couples breaking up and wad so ever, and girls crying their hearts outwhen their bf left thm. Well is natural to cry yes but i do hope thy dun go do stupid things and hurt thmself ya? hahas that would be awfully wasted. I guess it is part of growing up and relationships makes u more mature i think. So yea =) cheer up ppl >< Hahas maybe keeping out of relationship is the best? being single and do not have to worry abt complicated stuffs. hahas but i think there is both advantages and disadvantags to it =) Anyway tt Mrs lu is retiring xD YAY! and i heard Azman is retiring too! YIPPY! but thn again, makes no diff to me cus it's my freaking last year, or unless u wan me to retain? hahas! (touchwood) Anyway last night while i was on my way for dinner, i felt lyk trying out my backflip cus it's been awhile since i last did it. And so i tried it at the bus stop jus opposite the road and....... Yea perfect xD a good solid backflip xD looks lyk i still maintian my standard huh? hahas! But still i think i nid to find sometime to practice my aerial ( Cartwheels without hands ) and wallflip. hahas it'd be cool if i cn do it xD hahas. Well thn good luck ppl =) in relationship - wise or in Study wise =) Jus be happy >< Labels: wall flip~ Monday, October 8, 2007 Yo peeps! hahas today is the starting of EOY paper for Sec 1 - 3 xD good luck ya? hahas Anyway reached home and played o2jam. Played this song called Go Hell and somehow rather Full Combo it! hahas check it out! 4th time doing it and this is by far the best as onli has 33 good xD Anyway after playing i sort of lyk go check up some tongue twisters! hahas super cool la! and got my tongue twisted hahas! YOU TRY! sae it As fast as you can xD [#01] Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry ( loly here loly dere hahas! ) [#02] Unique New York ( niq nyok niq nyok xD ) [#03] Greek Grape ( grek grep ) [#04] Toy Boat Toy Boat Toy Boat ( my Fav. xD ) [#05] Mrs Smith's Fish Sauce Shop Damn -.- wad are u BLABBLERING ABT? c'mon u can do better rite? hahas! go on! [#06] How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood [#07] Peggy Babcock [#08] Good Blood Bad Blood ( Blae blae blae~ ) [#09] Flash Message! ( sshhh ssss, that's all i am hearing frm you -.- ) [#10] Can you imagine and imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie? HAHAS so how did it go? hmmm you an always try again though xD hahas anyway got to go! hahas hav fun =) Labels: my tongue is twisted xD Sunday, October 7, 2007 "Grow Up" This is who I am and this is what I like GC, Sum and Blink and Mxpx rocking my room if your looking for me I'll be at the show I could never find a better place to go Until the day I die I promise I won't change so you better give up I don't wanna be told to grow up and I don't wanna change I just wanna have fun I don't wanna be told to grow up and I don't wanna change so you better give up cause I'm not gonna change I don't wanna grow up I like to stay up late spend hours on the phone hanging out with all my friends and never being at home I'm impolite and I make fun of everyone I'm immature but I will stay this way forever Until the day I die I promise I won't change so you better give up I don't wanna be told to grow up and I don't wanna change I just wanna have fun I don't wanna be told to grow up and I don't wanna change so you better give up cause I'm not gonna change I don't wanna grow up I don't wanna be told to grow up (grow up, grow up) I don't wanna be told to grow up (grow up, grow up) I don't wanna be told to grow up and I don't wanna change I just wanna have fun I don't wanna be told to grow up and I don't wanna change so you better give up I don't wanna be told to grow up and I don't wanna change I just wanna have fun I don't wanna be told to grow up And I don't want to change So you better give up No I don't want to change So you better give up Cause I'm not gonna change I don't wanna grow up! Labels: simply rocks =) Saturday, October 6, 2007 Hey yo peeps! hahas my 2nd post -.- hahas kinda fun actually to write down ur thoughts. well anyway back to the post, woke up ard 11 in the morning, kinda late but.... it's OK! hahas, c'mon is nt that i am lazy or wad ( even though i am =X ) is jus tt i slept late the night before~ thats all! hahas! AND is nt lyk i do this EVERYDAY, onli Friday, Saturday =) During normal school days i have to wake up at 6 can? and even though is early, i may still be late for sch -.- ( Damn Bus ) Well thn as usual i got up and the first thing was to ON COMPUTER -.- nt really proud to sae that though hahas! Well i am trying to save time wad! cant blame me u noe! As in u on the com, thn while waiting for it to start up u go and brush ur teeth and bathe and everything la! Kinda makes sense now huh? hahas! And guess wad is the first thing i did after bathing and stuffs liddat? I bet a million bucks u wonte get it rite! Well i actually went back to bed -.- and slept for lyk... ermmmm another Half an hour or so? hahas yeaa too bad u dint guessed it rite xD So i started playing o2jam, and i played and i played thn i was in this situation whereby i was vs-ing this lvl 53 guy and i got almost 800+ combos X) and sort of lyk winning alrdy, thn the FUCKING computer jus restarted itself!! >= 0 Bloody ass man! i was Feeling so damn Fucked up la! xD ppl so kan chiong alrdy going to win a lvl 53 fucker thn the com jus restart down! DAMN IT LA! and the worst is nt over. xD It jus SOOOOO happened tt my dad was in the room and saw the com restarted itself, thn he ask mi how many times has it happened? i told him tt it happened abt 20 times or so and he got worked up upon hearing that and scolded me, " STOP PLAYING THIS GAME ALRDY!!! IF THE COM KEEP RESTARTING THN MY HARD DISC WILL CRASH! GO AND DELETE IT NOW!!! MY HARD DISC GOT ALOT OF IMPORTANT THINGS ONE!!!" thn as i was in a foul mood, so i told him tt if i dl this game thn i got no other games to play alrdy, the others games are boring~ thn he jus keep nagging and sort of lyk freaking banned mi frm the com and allow my bro to use instead. Thn i freaking shouted at him saying, " Damn u la! you and ur "IMPORTANT" things! nt lyk u dun have any back up files wad ass!" and he was kinda lyk shock and sad when h heard me sae tt =X thn i was lyk sort of Locked In my room quite for the rest of the day till dinner where i went down to play in lan shop b4 eating and going back home xDD. So now here i am blogging due to PURE BORED-NESS!! arr wad a day~ and when i went back home, i was expecting my dad to scold but instead, he treated lyk as if nth happened and very good to me =X he helped me packed my room ( which at tt time was real messy cus i was throwing things ard =X ) and of cus i was shock and felt kinda lyk guilty though X( i am SORRY DADDY! yea and now trying to decide and plan for tmrw hahas xD this is call PLANNING AHEAD! hahas =) Good day to you xD Labels: why are u avoiding me? Friday, October 5, 2007 Well my blog is done hahas! Can be Considered as my first blog i guess?Took quite alot of trouble to find all this blog skin thingy~ is all Troublesome! You guys might sae tt since its troublesome why bother creating a blog?The answer is pretty simple, cus COMPUTER IS GETTING BORINNNNGG!!Damn it man! Life is getting boring with each passing day~ Talking about days, let me ask u, haven ever experienced a day, whereby u felt that time is passing REALLY slow and jus barely an hour felt lyk months to you? Well i hope that would apply for this months cause the days are passing really quickly and is lyk 14 more days to O lvls? It seems jus lyk ytd when we were all saying " AIYAX! O LVLS STILL GOT 4 MORE MTHS LA! STOP WORRYING!" but somehow rather that 4 mths past in a blink of an eye and is 14 more days to Dooms Day! well that is only applying to some ppl though. x) STUDY HARD PEEPS! Alright ENUF! Today i was almost late for school cause that Damn bus was late! I was happily waiting at the bus stop, expecting the bus to arrive in time while listening to some new songs but the bus was lyk 10 mins "ON TIME!"10 mins is alot i tell you! so when the bus finally reached my stop, i sort of rush down the bus and all the way from Whitesands Primary to the Schools Main gate and Guess WAD? I wasn't late of cus -.- it was damn tiring can? carrying my back and running AND at the same time keeping my headphones into my bag while my shoe keeps slipping off my feet! ALL THESE HAPPENING AT THE SAME TIME! Going Through all this Shit jus for that bloody 2 hours of schooling -.- Jus Mother tongue and English -.- I was planning to go straight home after school but somehow rather decide to accompany Amesh together with Ah liang and Brain. You see, cus Amesh was late for sch and got his bag confiscated, so he have to wait till 11 b4 he can collect back his bag. Damn the school man -.- Thy think we enjoy coming school late and get our bag confiscated -.- well.... it's...ermmm.... partly the bus fault~ yea! =X for nt coming on time~ arr F*** it jus 1 more mth or so and we will be freakingly out of the school for good!*Daydreams* gonna miss my friends thoug T.T Yeap thn reach home, on my com and start playing o2jam~ and kinda find it fun though~ hahas! after playing i was lyk soooooOO bored tt i Finally decided to blog -.- kinda lame though but yea! it kills time =) Labels: This is lame =.= |
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