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Age: 17 School: Temasek Poly Birthday: 19th Dec Happily Attached to Candy Chen =D I think i wanna do a STABLE Liberty =P. Archives November 2007 December 2007 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 Links | Lingyi-Lys | Cassandra-Lys | Celestine-Lys | Kenneth-Lys | Jiaen-Lys | Lijie-Lys | Joanne-Lys | Shihui-Lys | Renyi-Lys | Shuyi-Lys | Xinyan-Lys | Lynette-Lys | Rachel.L-Lys | Rachel.T-Lys | Dora-Lys | Isaac-Lys | Feli-Lys | Shamaine | Cheryln-Lys | JiaEn-Lys | BLAZERS | Fiona-Blaz | Charyl-Blaz | Terence-Blaz | Mark-Blaz | Haziq-Blaz | Ken-Blaz | Justin-Blaz | Michelle-Blaz | Simin-Blaz | Cheryl-Blaz | Stephanie-Blaz | Bryan-Blaz | Joey-Blaz | Huixian-Blaz | Nicolette-Blaz | Weiqi | Michelle | Xinyi | Jasmine-TP Tagboard |
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 Ahhh, last night i had a lil bit of heartache. Ache as in not those "OH MY GF BROKE UP WITH ME! i'M SAD!" kind of ache but really ache. Is painful eh~ Die i think i'm gonna get Heart failure soon -.- *prays hard* LOL no la! jk nia! I wont die so easily i suppose? Anw did extension last night, it aint perfect but i'll try again ltr =) And today is freaking TUESDAY! OMG! =DDDDDDDD Tuesday!! Wahahaha! ok =x Guess i'll be gyming ard 4+? ha! But abit no life leh -.- everyday gym gym gym =x nvm~~ i happy can le =D And yeah, My SIM card got locked again -.- Got some PUK code thingy one. Tsk So woke up in e morning to call Starhub and fixed this sim thingy =) Thank goodness is fixed =) It too the person like 15 mins jus to pick up my call lor -.- Sian~~ OK! I'm gonna trash my drums soon =) Beat the hell out of it =) Cya!! We can go through this S*** together =) Stay strong! *sucks* Labels: mafan Monday, September 29, 2008 It's midnight now, the sky is dark, no, purple, there aint no stars, there aint no moons. All i can see is buildings buildings and more buildings, No moon no nth, jus street lamps. ![]() It's warm, freakingly warm. Where are the tress? Where are the melodies of the crickets? Oh! I KNOW! Global warming took them away =D Wahaha! OK that was like so damn random can!! Or maybe is me? I do random things -.- Anw! Gyming alone aint that bad And guess wad? Today is aw this super strong guy can! Strong and i mean wow! Strong! He's doing 70kg sitted military press la! I was like OM*G! I wanted to take photo of him doing it one but thn ltr the peeps inside tot i gay LOL! 70kg la! Crazy~~ Anyway! You've gotta fight for wad u wan ok! Dun jus get lead by ur nose! Jiayou!! You can do it!!! =D Wahahahahaha! Jus need that one time =) Night peeps! I wanna sleep! I needa sleep! I have to sleep! It's compulsory to sleep! Good night! I cant wait!! If you know wad i mean =) Sunday, September 28, 2008 LOL it's been sooo long since i last updated -.- Kinda lazy these few days~ or shld i say everyday =P Wahahaha! Hmmmmmm lets see, today is sunday, Maybe i shld start from errrr Friday? Friday was fun! that's all i can say =) It was tiring too! But is ok =) Saturday was nt as fun as compared to friday, Went to watch House Bunny, Kinda funny, i think i'd wanna join the Zeta Family! Wahahahaha! Or maybe go to some playboy mansion =) OK, i going to gym alone ltr =) Ahhhh! Wahahaha! Cya! If only you knew my friend, All these would nt have happened =) The time will come. Labels: Trust Monday, September 22, 2008 Yo people! *shakes* Yo ma, so mus shake abit. LOL okayyy that was lame -.- Anw i duno why im here duno wad to blog abt eh -.- Aiya nvm jus some random things ba =D Wahaha! OK Sunday! Woke up and cleaned up my hse, it's kinda getting dirty from all the dust blowing into my hse la! Irritating, And that do some shopping for food and drinks, Bought Milk again despite that china incident, i bought nutrisoy ok! Not those dairy milk that was mentioned so i guess i'll be safe from poisoning? HAHA! OK thn after that slept aaabit b4 gyming, Thn went to BK to grab some triple whopper to eat, b4 drinking 1litre of NutriSoy. =P Gotta reward myself for gyming ma, if not, no motivation how gym?! HAHA! I know is like weird la but thn hey! is my way of motivating myself =P OK! So i headed back home to sleep abit, thn head over to granny hse, and had beef steak for dinner and tau huay for supper =P I think i dun have a big appetite, just Tan chi i guess? I hope i dun get fat eh! LOL OK! Good night! LMAO! Gyming tml b4 training =) I need my power! JY PEEPS! 8 things i like about you =) Labels: wahaha Saturday, September 20, 2008 Giving up is not in my dictionary =) Sometimes i walked away but that doesnt mean i give up, i just need sometime for my brain to process wad went wrong, dont get the wrong idea ok! Train hard ppl! Jy ken for you lib! Dont giv up! Stay strong! Nth is impossible, ROBT, was once smth you nvr tot of doing, but with much encouragement, you still manage to do it and overcame it. Same thing for you lib ok! Never give up, There's no such word call give up. If i can do my extension, you can do your lib too! Strive on my senior!! =D ps this is not for you Labels: forken Wednesday, September 17, 2008 If only one could see their own mistakes in a third person's view, If only one could go back into the pass to amend his mistakes, If only one could wish he never done that particular thing, If only one could changed the outcome of things now, If only one could take back the words said, If only one could get a third chance, If only one could change the present, If only one could be more commited, If only one thinks before speaking, If only, If only. Thinking back~ If only i did this or did that, i would've become stronger, i would've become smarter, i would've become a better person, i would've become alot of things that i aint good at. But, theres no turning back now, wad is over is over~ Cant possibly go back in time right? I guess as long as we learned our lessons the next time will be better =DD Jy ppl!! The next time before you decide on smth, think again, Don't make the wrong decision and go ard saying, If only... =) Jus some random post~ LOL i duno wad to post alrdy -.- OH! cheer training was tough again =x But its ok! =) Good job people! Nights =D Grow up! Tuesday, September 16, 2008 AHHH! Todays training was shiok! 50 elevator lifts~ 1 hour elevator pop -.- Gosh~~ i was tired you bet! But you know wad? is ok! as long as our flyers can get better by training alot~ i'm fine with it =D Jy flyers ok!! Bases too!! wahahaha! So after training went to airport to see Candy off =) Have fun over there ok! Take care yourself too! AND rmb to stunt with some ang moh cheerleaders if u see them! WAHAHA! OK! I'm dead tired! -.- Still needa gym tml! I wanna grow stronger! I wan my muscles! LOL! Nights! Love you sweety! Saturday, September 13, 2008 Today is Saturday!! Well it's supposed to be a fun filled day for most ppl but thn it was kinda normal for me~ But i gotta say i wasted almost half the day sleeping la! i woke up at ard 12 i think~ so ya half the day gone right? =D Cant blame me, i love to sleep alot =) no idea why. So yeah, i guessed it rained last night, cus the clothes i hung out to dry last night was freaking wet la! i was irritated -.- needa take them down and rewash again cus if nvr rewash i think it'll have some bad smell~ so yeah, wash them again and hung thm to dry AGAIN -.- waste time! After that i rot till like 5.30 before heading over to tamp gym to train! AGAIN! wahaha! I cycled over to the gym and guess wad?! i forgot to bring a lock along -.- Damn~ so i went to some shop to buy a cheap ass lock jus to lock my bike -.- ANW~ Gymed alone cus gary was too tired to accompany me~ so did dips AND AND! i improved ok! i did a 12kg weighted dips, 3 sets of 12 =P im proud of myself! LOL! maybe it's normaly for u ppl out dere but is an achievement for me eh =) I'll train harder till i can do 20kg weighted dips >< Tmrw is SUNDAY! Sunday will be really fun! HAHA! cnt wait man!! Radio-ing now~ rotting at the same time~ haha. Gonna do alot of things tml! hopefully it dont rain! =D So friday's meeting with the new cca Advisor~ it was abit boring i mus say~ sit dere~ listen to justin and mich talk~ haha! we are like rotting dere la! haha but i did absorb quite a number of things =) NEW MATS! soon~=P So after that Candy and I pei Gary to Some chinese medicine hall to " tui" his hand~ If you duno, he accidentally injure his finger when attempting his ROBT =( Get well soon my friend! So watched Babylon A.D, it was...... SUCKY -.- the storyline, the ending~ no meaning one -.- Or maybe is too chim? i duno i find it lousy tt's all =P OK! i go bathe le ba =) Smelling like some rotten decomposed human liddat -.- SUNDAY! Tell me you love me baby =) cause i love you! Labels: Burning Friday, September 12, 2008 10th Sept Good job people! Thanks to the effort put in by the team, The Porsche Car Launch performance was a success! =D So during the performance, Roundoff Backtuck was called off as the floor is wet -.- Nevertheless we still did our backtuck =D So, our Gladiator almost failed but due to our "not giving up" attitude, Pitch toss Gladiator was up! So after the performances we went to ehub trying to catch a movie but thn it was too late alrdy and there isnt any mid night movie during weekdays, soo..... We started shaking our Bums in ehub~ It was hilarious i swear! haha i cnt help laughing my ass off~ XD Even though is abit late but thn it still brightened up our day, or shld i say night =D So after that walked home and slept to prepare for tmrws training~ LOL. Today Woke up at 12 i think? washed up and head over to granny hse, thn continues and slept till 3.45 before going sch to find ken. So private training was cancelled, and of cus i myself, being me~ took the time to sleep =X even though is a mere like 1 hr but it is still good enough for me =D So today was tumbling~ and we did the usual forward roll, back roll, etc etc and poor gary, he fell while attempting his Roundoff Backtuck! OUCH! i mus say~ Take care of urself ya? Candy injure her shoulder too~ she herself dun even know how she injured it, Get well soon ok! Take care yourself~ u have enough injuries alrdy=\ And grats ken for doing his Roundoff Backtuck too! =) Everyone is like improving, guess i gotta work harder alrdy =P Oh i did 2 Toss to hands with candy, and succeded twice =D Thanks candy=) I'm lousy at getting hints, Just ttell me what to do and I'll do it =) Jus for you =) Monday, September 8, 2008 Gym-ed today with candy and gary~ Geok was suppose to join us but thn in e end we tio ps again! Si geok u die! wahahaha So anyway, gyming was as per normal~ doing stuffs tt i usually do, thn bathed and met geok for lunch. We ate a BK b4 heading down to ehub for movie, Watched my sassy girl which in my opinion, compared to the korean version, the eng version sucks -.- So yeah after tt went to pastamania to eat b4 heading home =) Good night people! Gotta go for training tml =) 3 words for u baby =) Labels: yawns Sunday, September 7, 2008 I'm finally back from camp! WOOT! i know it's abit late to say tt but thn again, i was too lazy to update immediately after camp~ Too tired i suppose =P Anw here goes, Day 1 We had games for the first day, games tt bond us tgt, as a TEAM! Yes TEAM! In cheerleading, theres no one man show~ theres no solo~ it's no point if you are good, no point if ur frens are good, we need a TEAM tt's good =) And of cus everything begins with "me!" Each of us have to play a part to ensure our team grow stronger right? =) So yea, we had games tt made us trust one another~ which is super fun la!! I attempted a front pike down but i duno whether it looked anything liddat~ but nvm! HAHA poor terence~ when u fell, the girls couldnt really prevent him from touching e grd~ but thn thy did cushion him alot=) Cushion so much tt candy injure her back =( I hope ure getting better candy! =D Take care of urself! So we did some egg protection thingy~ and after that tried to crack our brains to do stunt inside a newpaper. Had dinner and went to sleep =) It's freaking cold -.- Day 2 woke up to have a morning jog ard bedok reservoir, Its good to see ppl improving =) Great job charyl =) We all have seen your improvement =) keep it up!! Her peserverence and determination is admirable =) After the jog, had our breakfast b4 having gymnast lesson with mrs keong! =D wahaha! I think alot of us learned\attempted smth new! For me, i finally did a properly Roundoff Layout ok! =) i was happy! but i doubt anyone can see it cus i dun look happy, BUT I WAS! wahahaha whatever~ and also quite a number of ppl tried backtuck! its cool! now thy've got a lil bit of feeling of how it feels =P After tt we had lunch b4 having stunt training. Tried elevator pop, elevator liberty and elevator liberty extension =) It's hardwork but thn i like it =) i was tired till i literally chui and lie down to rest and eventually i slept during training! OMG LA! i felt bad ='( The rest of e team mates are like attempting 2-2-1 and here i am slacking -.- Damn me! I was sleeping till candy woke me up and ask me to dinner =) If nt i guess i'll still be sleeping like weihao liddat~ hahaha! So after dinner, err..... what did we do after dinner ah? 0.0 *thinks* *thinks* Oh got it -.- pardon me~ i'm abit lousy at memory stuff~ So ya after dinner we go GYM!! woohooo!! My favourite =) So the whole team went in to gym for like 1 hour or so~ can see ppl putting in effort to gym but~ the trick is nt abt how heavy u carry~ is more abt consistency =) C'mon ppl! Go gym consistenly ok! We'll improve tgt! Is holidays! We can jus gym till we are dead~ wahaha! Anw, i've increase my weight from 30kg to 35kg for military press =) I'm happy can! haha! But tiring eh -.- LOL Ok imma complain king~ keep nagging one haha! like some uncle~ sounds familiar huh! wahaha! so after gym is another night of torture~ Sleeping! And ironically sleeping is supposed to be enjoyable lor! haha for me la~ =) Day 3 YES! today is the day of our very own BLAZERS MINI COMPETITION! haha! so our group, Bibibabibo, practiced our routine with close supervision from larry did our dance, cheer, stunts and tumbling =) We didnt have enuf time to practice our stunts properly so we jus hecked it and jus go for it -.- I wished i had de video to show it to u ppl but better not, CUS IT'S F*** UP LA! hahahahahah! IS freaking hilarious! is more like a comedy instead of a competition! LOL we had a crazy time laughing our ass off! okok! dance also anyhow dance, cheer also forget abit, stunts i duno do wad~ only tumbling was successful LOL! After tt Grats Bibibabibo for winning the competition~ Grats Simin for being winning de Best spirit award and 1 more i forgot which one~ =P So after tt we washed up and went for dinner b4 heading home, we're going to catch a movie but it was cancelled last min =( NVM! we still have other days! =D Thursday Did nth for the whole day~ so in e end went back tamp hse to play com abit b4 sleeping =) It was great! No more! NO MORE!!! Friday Went back sch to gym b4 training for car launch =) Oh oh! i've increased my weight to 40kg for military press! But with ken's support =( i bet he's using alot of str man! guess i'm still nt strong enuf yet! Dammit! haha! Did 80kg deadlifts but 7 reps only. So training we did gladiator~ and poor candy keep falling down la! She's like falling here and dere like some toy liddat! Thn cnt catch properly and she keep hitting onto e grd =( Can see tt she's in pain but she jus keeps on trying, All i can say is candy is strong! =) Next time i think we've gotta catch flyers no matter wad~ Is nt tt i nvr catch or smth la but is like cnt catch properly =( hais! But after a few tries we still managed to get pitch toss gladiator up =) So went home tt night with aches and bruises again =) But is ok =DD Today Went out for movie~ watched death race with larry gary and candy, so while waiting for gary to arrive, me~ being de evil person came up with an idea to tease gary, i tot it'll be ok but he got pissed off =( sry gary i dint know ure in a bad mood =( it like a prank tt goes wrong ! ahh! haha! NVM can try on others next time! muhahahahaha! OK! Good night ppl! i wanna sleep! i cnt take it anymore! nth matters more thn you do, even if your whole world falls apart, rest assure i still be here for you =) |
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