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Age: 17 School: Temasek Poly Birthday: 19th Dec Happily Attached to Candy Chen =D I think i wanna do a STABLE Liberty =P. Archives November 2007 December 2007 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 Links | Lingyi-Lys | Cassandra-Lys | Celestine-Lys | Kenneth-Lys | Jiaen-Lys | Lijie-Lys | Joanne-Lys | Shihui-Lys | Renyi-Lys | Shuyi-Lys | Xinyan-Lys | Lynette-Lys | Rachel.L-Lys | Rachel.T-Lys | Dora-Lys | Isaac-Lys | Feli-Lys | Shamaine | Cheryln-Lys | JiaEn-Lys | BLAZERS | Fiona-Blaz | Charyl-Blaz | Terence-Blaz | Mark-Blaz | Haziq-Blaz | Ken-Blaz | Justin-Blaz | Michelle-Blaz | Simin-Blaz | Cheryl-Blaz | Stephanie-Blaz | Bryan-Blaz | Joey-Blaz | Huixian-Blaz | Nicolette-Blaz | Weiqi | Michelle | Xinyi | Jasmine-TP Tagboard |
Thursday, October 30, 2008 AHHHH!! I got smth to say!! School's com is super laggy -.- I know la, School wad! But thn i was thinking why cnt thy like improve the coms? no harm waaad~~ =P Or are thy discouraging ppl from using school's com cus it's laggy and get a lappy instead? But thn if get laptop le sch's internet also lousy leh~ Slow daaao~ -.- Cant stand laggnesssss!! 2nd week of sch. one thing to say, SUCKS! LOL! studying is jus a nono for me i guess -.- anything but studying -.- I'll be a complete retard when it comes to studying, a total pentium 0.5 and process super slooowly~~ But ah when it comes to smth that im interested, imma total diff person =D upgrade to Pentium 5 =D But aiya, no choice still need to study T.T Yeah have perf on sunday~ for big walk it think? Needa perf 3 times and i really really hope things goes well on SUNDAY! Wahahah =D Oh yeah watched twentieth Century Boys, Is like WTH LA! gimme a " to be continued.." ending! !@#$% lmao! ahhhh nvm! anw i've yet to watched the coffin yet eh! I heard the story line is lousy la but thn it seems cool to know of a ritual used by thai ppl!!! Woot! Let's watch it someday! And yea, hit the gym ytd~ turned out well =D improved again!! i dun even know how since i've been missing my session for 1 week due to the new timetable. nvm! I'll grow stronger i hope!! And I finally got my Toss to hands Extension la! whee!! i duno how i managed to do so but thn, yea i did it =D Thanks Candy, ken, larry for supporting me =) And and and! i found out smth sad! i think i may not to do as many backtuck as usual, cus i realised everytime i land one, my back hurts. I duno issit due to the impact or wad la cus when i do a ROBT it doesnt hurt. duno wth is wrong -.- haha! Well at least my ROBT got aaabit higher =D so is is my standing backtuck =) JY ah gary for ur backtuck! Dun give up =) OK i think im talking too much!! waaay to much! BUT THN! duno leh jus feel like talking =D Talkative! Oh ya! French was cool! Bonjour!! Je mapplle weihao! Jea vien Bien Aussi! =D Je suis Singapourien, J'habites Tampines =) Au revouir! Duno if the spelling is right anot but is smth liddat la!! If im not wrong tt is =X LOL! AND En Retard IS NOT RETARDED LA! lollll!! It means late! LMAO! "Hi i'm Grace, Sorry im retarded!" LMAO! hahahaha! Funny la Xe lol! Oh! i think Computer Programming is one of the Subject that i'm dreading to go -.- it's sooo..... WTH -.- aiya duno how explain la! The teacher speaks like some Monotoner~ with squeaky voice somemore -.- All talk no action one! Lab is supposed to be a time for us to get our hands on things and put our tutorial lessons to good use! But ah! going for his Lab is like Going for ANOTHER 2 hour tutorial -.- lmao~~~~~ Oh whatever. HA! Sunday IS a Good Day!! =D Au Revouir! Merci Beaucoup! =D I'm the world's luckiest, Happiest guy! Cause i've got you =D Contente! Sunday, October 26, 2008 HSM3 was nice =) "Troyyy~~~" *rubato* LMAO!! hahah the beginning was abit hilarious la~ but towards the end is more like a love story thn a Graduation year~ But still there's some content involving Graduation. Today was abit GG-fied at Mac Cafe -.- lol! if u know wad i mean! Ahhhhh~ Now i've got phobia of orange =x Oh oh and perf is on Sunday =) And i guess i'll be going out ltr after the perf! Hope it'll turn out great!! 80 bucks man! wahahah! 80 bucks for 3 perf in 3 hours =x means 1 hour 1 perf =x I guessed the routine wouldnt be so diff ba =) OH YA! Tmrw is a freaking Holiday! Woot!! Duno where to go also! =P Anw Oli get over it la! it's over! O-V-E-R! It'll be better when thy come next year =) A7X!!!! Anw i put up a new song from A7X From their new album titled "Diamonds in the Rough" Is super nice la! Damn! I love A7X! Wahahaha! Alright =) That'll be all =) Good night! Is ok =) I'll love it! And i hope you love mine =x OMG la! Avenged Sevenfold has finally come to Singapore!! Woot!! 24th Oct was cool! I was freaking excited~ I mean i know i've seen thm live back in 2007 Singfest la~ BUT THN! This one is different! hahaha!! I was being kiasu throughout the whole journey to Max pavilion! Reached there and met isaac kok ming and friends, they started queuing at 4 i think? Olivia more siao! Started queuing at 11 tt's like wth?! You better send me some good photos! So yeah the queue was long, it was really warm outside~ ppl's perspiration, Cigarette smells~ water bottles~ Snacks~ And most importantly all the screaming of coarse languages at the security! LOL! Cause you see, ard 7.30 thy started letting people in le, thn at 7.50 we hear guitars and drums! And of cus non of them wanted to missed out anything and thy all started scolding the security la! And i managed to squeezed right inside =D So ran like some lunatic over to the stage and found out is some nameless band -.- So sat down and talked~ and finally when the band went onstage, everyone went crazy la! wahaha! But thn i realised most people were filming more thn enjoying~ but nevertheless i still enjoyed myself =D thought i got a sore throat but thn too bad i dint =P And ah! i think they cheated our money la! the concert is suppose to be 2 hours in e end, after preparation and stuffs liddat they only performed for like 1 hour 15 mins? !@$% but nvm la! =D A7X for life! Went to eat after tt before going home =) F*CK Security! Wahahaha!! Unforgettable! Hope 35mins was memorable =) Wednesday, October 22, 2008 Damn it's jus the first week of sch and i'm suffering like hell alrdy -.- Time table is super pack, still got cheer~ start sch at 9 end at 6 everyday -.- ahhh im super dying soon! And the fact tt i end so late everytime i dun have much time to blog =x reach home jiu wanna sleep le, But it's alright! Cus u know why =D Ahhh Sch is boring~ Except French lesson =DD It's fun la! learning new language =) And even though im so tired everyday, i'll nvr fail to have a smile on my face b4 i sleep =) Thanks! Sry to keep u waiting so long though =\ I didnt mean to, ahhhh sian! Oh i haven gym for 3 days and i feel weird alrdy, it seems like as if i haven been gyming for 1 month eh even though it's jus 3 days =x Wednesday gym, Friday and sun =D Oh tml cheer training again! Ahhhh, training for nationals -.- Flyers take care eh!! Thats all i can say =) Ahh alright i think i need to sleep le~ dozing off now~ Good night! You're the light of my life, the fire that burns inside of me, my strength and happiness. ILU =) Love is that condition in which the happiness of the other person is essential to your own =) Labels: Je suis beau Sunday, October 19, 2008 Im glad everything is cleared up =) Sry =\ Ahhh i'd nt do it again =) Ahhh tml is reopening of sch! Sian dao~~ hais! must study again -.- for 1 more sem -.- I know it's dumb to say this but, I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO THE NEXT HOLIDAYS! lmao -.- Went for sat's training, candy and I literally slack ard dere la -.- while thy were practising, both of us were doing stretching, thn after that i duno why we got high, join them dancing and doing chair and imaginary basket toss and heel stretch!! Lmao Had alot of laughter! xD Oh i tried left chair and it succeeded =) thn i tried pop over but thn i think not strong enuf ah -.- nvm i'll try again next time =D Also had random feeling for trying wall flip and i jus tried, with larry and gary's support i managed to get e feeling =) Thanks! Oh and thanks Candy for videoing it down for me =) Xie xie! Things dun always run smoothly, jus need to overcome it =) i'll ALWAYS be here =) i love you not because i need you, but i need you because i love you! to befriend you is all i ever wanted; to be with you was all i ever dreamt =) Friday, October 17, 2008 Thanks for being here with me =) I love de gym =) I love my knuckles =) I love pain =D Wahahaha! Pent up stuffs seriously rocks, it gives me str and make me stronger =) I did stuff i nvr dreamt of. Anw attempted Arabian last night, laneded it a few times but it was really low, so i tried jumping higher, and thn i realised it cut off all the forward momentum so i cnt really rotate finish, and fell, but it's ok =) It's been quite a long time since i last fell. I'll try again some time =) Tau huay was sweet! Basket toss was sweet, grats people =) I think a number of people learned smth new last night =) Jia you for Btoss backtuck\layout peeps =) ps: It's just de beginning. pss: Absence sharpens love, Presence strengthens it =) psss: To the world you maybe one person, but to one person, you maybe the world =) Wednesday, October 15, 2008 To get the full value of joy, you have to find someone to divide it with =) Wa tell you recently im getting lazy to update blog eh -.- duno why~ i think i inherited lazy genes! LOL! But nvm la! i'll update =) today is abit inconvineint, i think u'll know why =D So these few days had quite alot of fun =D Went to several places, et tau huay, window shop~, junction8 alot alot of places la! haha like tourist man~ But all i can say is i enjoyed every moment =D i hope u do too eh! Anw i'm suppose to be performing for saturday but i cnt make it due to some family matters -.- damn mafan la but thn nvm la~ needa help my mum =) So good luck guys on sat! i'll try and see if i can go down and support u ppl!! Work hard!! =D Cheer was alright, did 221, basket toss, Basket toss toe touch\backtuck\pike, everyone is improving =D I hope ppl dun feel tt thy are useless cus thy nvr do smth nicely, it's not really possible to learn smth today and do it super nicely wad, practise makes perfect =D Jiayou everyone! Grats for ppl doing their elevator twist, i duno wad the is the name of the stunt =x But good job! =D Wahaha everyone is improving =D Gyming was fun too =) exahusting myself inside the gym was enjoyable =D theres this sense of satisfacttion after my gym session! I guess this coming 5 days are gonna be tough but thn i guess is alright =D I can dong ok!! OK im tired now! i wanna rest =) tml is training! Good night! Thanks for everything! =) Saturday, October 11, 2008 AHH sry for not updating for quite a long time -.- It's been quite awhile alrdy, Too lazy to update la!! Cant blame me =P The past few days was pretty fun and enjoyable! Go out~ duno take bus to some place far to eat thn come back~ PDA somemore~~*tsk tsk tsk* Cleared up some stuffs (it's alright alrdy =D) Went gym, went training. "yi AHH!" LOL! All the funny things that happened! Unshaven armpits~ Pregnant 15yr old (i suppose is 15) And quite alot more! i cnt rmb all man~ wahahaha But one thing for sure is i loved it! =D And guess wad? im damn hungry now~ sch is reopening~ study -.- sian de lor~~ BUT i will study hard!! HARD! wahahaha! I'll try =P 24th oct is coming soon! Really soon! Cant wait la! wahahahaha! ok la~ i wanna go eat alrdy! I'll update next time thn =) Pda =) Tuesday, October 7, 2008 Today is tuesday!! Cnt really wake up due to "3 times" and cheer training the previous day =x So went gyming, did normal exercises thn prepare for cheer training~~ AHHH! tiring lor~~ if only time could stop thni can have the time to rest for as long as i want!! Wahahahaha! ok tt's so impossible! NightS! C'est pour tei que je suis Labels: yawns MONDAY! lol i know the date is different la but thn i forgot to blog on monday ma so mus blog =x OKAY! so monday monday monday....... err i dun quite rmb anything leh~ Wahahaha =\ Training and more Training lor~ thn go home sleep lor~ Sian lor~ Hais lor~ Good night laaa~~ Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage =) Labels: wahaha Monday, October 6, 2008 I love you not only for who you are, but for what I am when i'm with you. Ahhh sunday was boring =( <3 Labels: wahahaha Saturday, October 4, 2008 I really feel helpless now, i dun wish to see u this way. it really kills me inside. I wished i could do smth abt it, i wished i could. If it's only possible, thn i'll rather it all happened to me thn u. Hit me if u are sad or angry ok? (im nt saddistic) I'll be contented with a warm REAL smile =) Stop putting unnecessary blames on yourself ok? Please.. I'm strong =) no worries! You have to fight for it, it's difficult i know, But after every storm, they'll be a beautiful rainbow(its beautiful to me la) and at the end of the rainbow is a pot of gold. (MONEY!) Strive on ok! They maybe all bark no bite and meant no harm? I really really hope i could do smth abt it =\ i'll bend over back for you! ahhhhhhh! The course of true love never did run smooth. So just put some lubricant and it'll be alright =D Labels: strong Friday, October 3, 2008 All happy people are grateful. Ungrateful people cannot be happy. We tend to think that being unhappy leads to people complaining, But it's truer to say that complaining leads to people becoming unhappy =) Friday! Gymed in sch before accompany-ing Candy to see sinseh for her leg -.- The sinseh said "la dao jin" or smth lidat so she has to go for acupuncture! LOL! And than she was dere like laughing la! -.- Duno whether pain till she went crazy or it's jus merely ticklish -.- So after that wanted to meet up with Gary they all for movie but ended up going out with another bunch of friends. Watched Eagle eye at tm. No comments abt tt show leh~ not that is so lousy nor it's so good la! i jus dun have any comments -.- So-so ba~ HAHA! Alright tml is saturday~ needa go for training -.- Ahh sian! I think i'll gym in sch first thn go train ba since we can do\learn wad we want as long as it's training =D OK! Good night people! Keep bai bai bai! Like some crazy person liddat~ LOL! Wanna say thn keep laughing to yourself! I see you laughing to yourself i also buay tahan WAHAHAH! I'm sry =P Nth matters as long as...... =) OMG my butt is effing itchy! *scratches* Woot today is Thursday! Im really happy! Everything u wrote to me always made me touched and wanna tear but of cus i dint la! Not in public of course =) It really shows me how u felt abt me, and i'm really touched =) All the effort u put in, it's really.... Really..... Really irreplaceable! =) Thanks for everything! i'll read it 1 by 1 for 31 days! And thn it'll be your turn =) You know wad i mean! HAHA! I really hoped u liked thm, It's nth much actually =) As long as you're happy =D Toss to hands extension was a little bit successful i mus say, but too bad i couldnt hold it there for long -.- Too weak i think~ Nvm~~ i'll train more =) I guess it aint that difficult after u took the first step =) Thanks gary for telling me the technique eh! Thanks =D Had fun During stretching! Do all sorts of things that is abit obscene! LOLS but we enjoyed ourselves =D Oh we got our new shoes today! The kaepa shoe i think? Is abit weird la but i think after awhile i'll get use to it =) Alright, i'm dead tired now i swear! Maybe going movies tml? nt sure, contact me ppl! Good night! .. "Never Frown even when you're sad cause you never know who's in love with you smile =D" Nth i do can show u how much i love you =) Labels: yawns Wednesday, October 1, 2008 Wow whee! Time past so fast! Before i even knew it 1 month has past. To think back, quite alot happened in 1 mth, too many to name, wahaha! There were good times, and when there's good time there will usually be bad times, But is ok =) Let bygones be bygones =) And i nvr fail to smile at the end of de day before i go to bed =) Thanks! =DD Today is Hari Raya Puasa, And coincidencially ( i duno if the spelling is right =x ) is Children's day! Actually i planned to go out with the team to watch movie and things liddat but thn in e end i didnt~ wanna save a little bit of money =) So i Watched Mr Bean at home and slept -.- Ahh not going out is really boring leh! And i'm so addicted, 1 day nvr can die one lor! wahaha! if you know wad i mean =) So yeah, Wated to gym also but thn public holidays the gyms are closed -.- Dammit! Nvm~ i shall train tmrw thn, go make Bus concession before going to sch =) I simply caant wait for tmrw! I cant! Wahaha!! Buay Dong le! =P I hope you'll like it eh =) It's nth much but, yeah, jus a little someting =) Good night people! I did it whole heartedly, I love you =) Labels: smile Today is Tuesday!! And i'm happy!! Really really happy =D I think u know why =DD I hope ure happy too yaaa!! Wahahahaha!! Secret =) I was late for gym today, so i like rushed down to gym and chiong all my exercises in 1 hour plus! Crazy -.- Thn training, do some pitch tossing, thn tried 2-2-1 and 1-1-1. Tiring man~ BUT! is ok! =) Jia you people! ![]() The word is forever =) Labels: love |
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