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Age: 17 School: Temasek Poly Birthday: 19th Dec Happily Attached to Candy Chen =D I think i wanna do a STABLE Liberty =P. Archives November 2007 December 2007 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 Links | Lingyi-Lys | Cassandra-Lys | Celestine-Lys | Kenneth-Lys | Jiaen-Lys | Lijie-Lys | Joanne-Lys | Shihui-Lys | Renyi-Lys | Shuyi-Lys | Xinyan-Lys | Lynette-Lys | Rachel.L-Lys | Rachel.T-Lys | Dora-Lys | Isaac-Lys | Feli-Lys | Shamaine | Cheryln-Lys | JiaEn-Lys | BLAZERS | Fiona-Blaz | Charyl-Blaz | Terence-Blaz | Mark-Blaz | Haziq-Blaz | Ken-Blaz | Justin-Blaz | Michelle-Blaz | Simin-Blaz | Cheryl-Blaz | Stephanie-Blaz | Bryan-Blaz | Joey-Blaz | Huixian-Blaz | Nicolette-Blaz | Weiqi | Michelle | Xinyi | Jasmine-TP Tagboard |
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Ahh damn, my traps are not getting any better, is like u dont touch it, it's fine once u use it, it feels like tearing. Hais, My wrist painful too =( No wrist guards is gonna help -.- Sucks mannn~ My kness are weird, resting too long will make it hurt, ya lke wth -.- Anw im glad tt out of like 10 TTH with different flyers, only 1 fell, i think i took an average of 3 steps when doing tth, hais i'll improve baa =( Anw!! Im looking forward to Friday!! Wahaha!! Fly high high!! Till can see the Sky!! ok lame. So ya baby, see i told u we're still ok =D haa! Stop saying u are lousy ok! HA Love you girl! Good job for today's J-up 270, sorry for not catching properly -.- psps my bad. And your pitch toss to lib too! ha! It's late! Tml u got sch in e morning, better go rest early ok! ha! Good night Sweeeeetdreams =D Cute cute! Sunday, April 26, 2009 Yesterday was a long day, really long =\ I'll never leave u dummy, i told u from the beginning, i mean it =) sorry for causing all these, i'll be better, im sorry. Anyone who has u as his gf is blessed =) Stop saying ure not good enough ok? you're the best =) Anw, glad tt you learned something during training and did improved a bit =) ![]() ha! JY ok! Anw, my wrist hurts again, duno for wad reason, my traps are not getting any better, hais, gonna meet baby soon later! go drawing and bowling! hahaha! See you soon darl! you're my world.=) Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Ahhh, my upper Traps are still hurting, duno whether i accidentally pulled tt muscle or wad, sian! turn head also pain, look up and down also pain =( Baby worst, hip pain head pain! Ahh, i was wondering ah, at such a young age, we neck pain wrist pain ankle pain knee pain back pain blue black everywhere, when grow old how ah 0.0 Baby was saying by the time we grow old, sit wheelchair liao! LOL I was still saying at 50 yrs old continue do Partner Stunts! LOL! By then bone all crack liao -.- But of course touch wood la, hope nth of this sort will happen =D I think ah, i figure out tt RO BHS got it's unique RO and RO BT got it's own RO too. HAHA! Gonna test it out some day =) Lessons today were normal, not much of lessons anw except for jap class. Gym today, guess i'll be aching tml, and guess wad! Baby and I joined community service!! LOL! Our cca ah! Can help out and do good deeds and at e same time earn seal points! Cool right! Anw, im dead tired, i wanna rest, lol good night people! ILU Start sch at 1 today! wahaha happy man! Can sleep till tai yang sai pigu! Cant meet up with baby today cus of the time table until during training thn can see her! Nth much today baby fell again =( hais. I learned shoulder stand, eat bao and went home, lucky i did cheer her up and see her smile on the way back home =D Love you girl! Tc of ur head and ip alright?? Dun wanna see u ge injured again =( Miss you! cant wait to see u tml! Monday, April 20, 2009 Suddenly lost sight of wad i wanted. Dreading, hais. Life was never good to stat with. Sometimes i really wonder wad are we assigned to do the day we are born into this world. Maybe be a lawyer or wad so ever, get rich, live in huge houses, a dozen cars, get famous etc, All these needs hard work, setting goals and working towards them. Ya enjoy life, but, so wad? In e end you'll still go like everyone else, all these things u did, being famous and all, wont last forever. It's not like u have eternity life on earth you know. So wad? work so hard, get wad u wanted thn enjoy awhile b4 dying? Oh well, hais, Im sick of "it" Good night. You know wad's "it" Saturday, April 18, 2009 Went gym class yesterday, practiced my BHS, still abit wobbly, but shld be ok after awhile. Thn prac RO BHS, it's still high, too high for a BHS, sucks -.- Nvm, prac next time ba, Injure my neck, Even suckier, lol! Nvm, let it heal thn tumble again ba =) Wakey wakey! Thursday, April 16, 2009 HAHA! I've been a good boy! Updating my blog frequently! Smetimes updating crap but is ok! At least i update! HA! Anw went gyming today, in e afternoon, cant make it down to the stunting session, sorry people =x After which went to my place and jammed, went abit crazy after that, did some stupid dance or wad ever! hahaha! School is reopening, and i kena Jap as my CDS -.- I wanted Basic nutrition but, haisssssss. Nvm~ gotta bear with it then! haha! Life is not always smooth, especially mine. LOL! Good night! Gymnastic tmr! Gonna try RO BHS! Try RO Double Back, Try RO Arabian, if possible Ro Double Arabian! HAHA! Hope i wont break my neck or wad so ever! Sweet dreams! Good night! I hope you're cheered up by seeing my idiot dance =) Wednesday, April 15, 2009 Im glad that everything is cleared up, all that misunderstanding. =) Jia you people for tml's performance =) haha! Anw, went gym again today, im not sick but im kinda addicted to gyming ah, it's like if i miss gyming for 1 day or something i feel like as if my muscles are sagging =x Trained chest and tri today, hope it'll ache tml! wahaha! Had a wonderful day today with baby! haha! Smiles and laughter all day =) Love you girl! Cant have fun without you =) Monday, April 13, 2009 Went out with baby today! Ha Went gyming, thn to Tampines one =) It was pack with people, loads of them. Went to ate at food court first b4 walking ard. The KL duck rice is nice! Haha! Ok anw, while walking ard saw a few of my old friends. lol Went to quite alot of of store before queuing up to enter UNIQLO. bought 2 T-shirst there, haha! It looks kinda nice to me but thn, overall, it's normal la, nth special though. Their shorst looked like boxers to me! hahahaha! Watched "handsome suit" at Ehub, Show was kinda boring at first but it was a nice ending. haha! nowadays very few shows have nice ending one leh! Looking forward to tmr! haha! Good night! you know why =D Hais, Sometimes is kinda hard to manage so many things. Friends, family, the one you love, studies, CCAs etc I dont want to give up any of those, of course if i were to choose to give up 1 it'll definitely be studies, but we all know it's not gonna happen. Hais. Good night. i duno what to say. Sunday, April 12, 2009 Things changed alot, people are not wad they seemed to be, when you think that you've know a friend well, Naaa, it only means you're thinking too much =) They're not as good as you think, they are not as reliable as you think, do you think they'll cover up your asses for you when u are in deep shit? Maybe they will, But if their asses are on the line you think they will? Naa, ![]() Stop dreaming. So what if you've been through alot with them? So what if you guys share nice memories tgt? So what? The moment they hear some shit rambling, everything changes. Their perspective all changes. Will they go and think abt all the good times? Bloody hell no. It's like they're being psycho-ed. All the "good memories" turns into nothing. All the laugher you shared, all jus disappear just because of listening to too much bullshits. Dun get lead by your noses, have some confidence in yourself, your way of thinking. No one is perfect. Some people are just not as good as they seemed to be. Think for yourself, dun let others think for you. Dun get controlled. Dumb asses. Oh well is ok if friends just forget friends so easily. That dun make them good friends isnt it? Or maybe they werent even friends in the first place, Jus wearing a mask when thy NEEDS to see you and taking them off afterwards. Whatever the case, dun just listen to someone just because you think he\she is good. Look out of the big box. Anw on the brighter side, Kite flying on Monday! Wahahaha! This time ard i bought like 2 kites JUST in case =) Training was filled with a sense of achievement. Jia you ba everyone! I think i've been eating lesser nowadays, Gotta eat more! ha! Good night! Hope you like the prize =D Tuesday, April 7, 2009 Went back to training full of hopes and energy yesterday, wasnt the usual me during training, talked and talked non stop, laughing and making people laugh throughout, being irritating, trying to make it more lively, i duno whether it worked or not but still i did try, it was kinda saddening though, well the reason i know you know can alrdy, if you dun thn is your problem dun make it mine. It just feels weird la, i tot it'll be better after Competition but, it's still the same -.- Oh well. Why so complicated. Anw, i kinda woke up late to meet bibi yesterday =x lol sorry darl =( This few days i kinda overslept, set my alarm at 10 and waking up at 12 like wth right! might as well dun set -.- waste battery nia! HAHA! Arms are aching from gyming yesterday, nevertheless, i'll still go gym later! Wahaha! See ya!! We'll go through this tgt.=) Sunday, April 5, 2009 Ahh, another day pass so quickly, especially when u wake up at 1pm. LOL Im literally left with so little time man, hais. Anw Dint manage to meet up with my dearest b4 her parents asked her out, so im hoping tt i can like meet her later =) I miss u! Anw the weather is pretty humid i guess, im perspiring jus from sitting down, what more. No wind nor anything even though it rained today. Ah 10 more days to performances, and look, that's not the point, the main point is tt when performace starts, School starts -.- Yeah how bad can that be, School -.- When you are schooling, you're wishing for endless of holidays, partying and slacking, but when holidays really do arrived, you'll sort of run out of things to do, and when you finally found something to keep u occupied, guess wad? School arrived again. Ha! Duno wad's installed for me this coming year but i guess it'll be alright! ha! Best of luck peeps! I've been slacking for the whole day now, perspiring at home, lol maybe it'll burn more calorie, making me more leaner? ha! okayy~ Have training tml, hope it'll go well =) See ya! I totally missed u! LOL, ok i guess im back in action! ha! never thought tt maintaining a blog, updating consistently is so much work -.- So ya, anw im back, hee! Anw National Cheerobics ended like 2 weeks ago and here i am jus updating abt it, ha! Well after all the effort put in by everyone, i know to some people is saddening to get 3rd la, most of them were expecting a 2nd or something like tt, well, i know we'll get third but in anycase, hey~ most of us are juniors man, ha but tt doesnt mean the seniors dint do anything la, thy contributed quite alot too! all the music mixing, dance, timings, uniform, make up and stuffs like tt. Well im fine with 3rd la, just train harder next yr lor. =) Anw good job to Blazers! ha After Cheerobics, 'we' as in candy and I, we made an important decision, and yeap, guess we haven regretted it! ha, well must not wang en fu yi ma~ ha! yeah, i still believe we can do whatever we want to do in blazers, Just need hard work, endurance, peserverence, commitment, and faith! Dun be so stereotype thinking tt in order to do some amazing things you'll need to go else where since Blazers cant do it. If Blazers cant do it, thn You can always be the one to do it first and once you've successfully done it, ppl in the team will be able to do it too! have to break open their "No one can do it wad, so i think it's impossible to learn it from blazers" mindset, there will not be any results if people think things this way =) must be more daring ma! ha! If no one can do it, why cant u be the first to do it? Of course you'll need others to tell u how to do it theoratically la but after tt, it's more on practicing it, practice and practice, low input = low output. So to fellow Blazerians out there, JY! Dun give up ah! nothing is impossible unless, well of course u tell me u want to levitate without and props or or to lilke teleport here and there with ur minds will la! ha! Anw went out with my babe today! Ya Saturday. Accompanied her to her granny hse, and while she was visiting her grandma, i walked ard to look for kites, and yes i told her i wanted to buy kites for my dad, but actually, i planned to bring her out to fly kite! ha she never flew one before so ya, trying to make it her first, and my excuse was damn stupid i know, "Buy kite for my dad =.-" But i guess she bought the story at first since i was a good actor =DD after tt we, as usual went Alllllllll the way over to serengoon to eat tau huay! ha! The tau huay there is nice! I duno the exact location but i do know tt its jus walking distace form serengoon inter to the place! hee! And we were talking abt how we missed Zhong hua's gymnast training, lol! Afterwards we trained over to marina bay and bused to Marina Barriage! I duno if it's jus opened or wad but i do know it's my first time there and it's candy's too! the senary was not bad jus tt there's too much construction going on -.- Anw Marina Barriage is Singapores Dam! damn cool man! u get to walk on the dam, the view is breath taking =) There's also sort of a rooftop garden thingy only difference is that in a garden you'll find flowers, tress butterflies floating ard, but in Marina Barriage, is jus grass and loads of grass, more like ermm, like a rooftop field like that! ha! It was windy, so took out our kites and flew it, and sadly the Toys'R'us kite dont fly well -.- in e end have to go and buy a freaking 10 dollars kite which seems like it's been use b4. It's freaking 10SGD -.- It flew well =) Notice i use the word flew, ya because after flying for like 10 mins or so, the string snapped and we waved good bye to our kite, LOL! My baby was sad, she said it was her first kite that she flew and it broke and disappear =( But hey, i promised her i'll go find a better one next time and we can go back and fly it again! haha! Afterwards went back to our East side, sat down and chatted haha! It was really quite a day for me =) I hope it was for you too babe! hee! Good night! I nvr seemed to get enough of you! |
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